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Knox School Grads 2020.JPG


Our graduates leave the Knox nest as confident, motivated young teens who embrace learning and see the world with very inquisitive minds. Our students learn that our differences should be both accepted and celebrated, and our support of all of their unique needs helps to build the self-esteem and self-acceptance that is needed for success in life. Building relationships with both age peers and intellectual peers enables this.


Over the years, our alumni have moved on to local high schools including Anacapa School, Cate School, Dos Pueblos Engineering Academy, Laguna Blanca School, and San Marcos AAPLE Academy, and to high schools outside the area including

Villanova Preparatory School (Ojai, CA) and Quarry Lane School (Dublin, CA).


Some alumni have entered higher education programs upon leaving The Knox School including both the Dual Enrollment and the Middle College programs at Santa Barbara City College, and have then moved on to four year universities, including Williams College (MA).


A Few Words From Knox Graduates

"Thank you for all the wonderful years I have spent at Knox. Without you and your understanding of students like me, I would have been nowhere near as ready for highschool as I am today. Your love and passion for teaching gifted students amazed me from the first moment I met you. I will never forget my visit day at Knox, and what you said to me. You said, 'Not what you see every day, hmm?' with such an amazing look in your eye. That was the moment I realized that Knox was the perfect fit. Throughout the past 4 years, I have enjoyed school parties and normal days with you, joking and laughing. It is so surprising what can happen in 4 years, and I am always surprised by how quick my time at Knox passed. Thank you so much for all the enlightenment you have provided me, and I wish you and Knox the best. I will keep in touch with you."

Knox Graduate

"Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out my recommendation letter for high school. I received the admissions result last night and I'm very excited to inform you that I got accepted. I learned so much about project-based learning and life lessons at Knox. I firmly believe that everything I acquired there will help me progress through high school and beyond. Once again, thank you so much for filling out my recommendation and I hope to visit you again soon."

Knox Graduate

"I know I've made life-long friends at Knox; we've all graduated Knox and are going to high school in different states and we keep in regular contact and meet up and it always feels as if no time has passed at all."

Knox Graduate

Alumni Keeping in Touch From Across the States

Alumni from The Knox School of Santa Barbara
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